• Path: /v2/articles/stock
  • Method: GET (read)
  • Authentication required: yes
  • Output formats: all formats
  • Output type: list
  • Field description:
    • id (string): Article number
    • eancode (string): Article EAN code
    • stock (int): Available units in stock
    • date (string): Contains next possible delivery date if the requested quantity is not available. Only for “Tapetenfabrik Gebr. Rasch”.
    • discontinued (boolean): Contains 1 if the article is not produced anymore
  • Extra parameters:
    • item=...: Comma-separated list of article numbers
    • collection=...: Comma-separated list of collection numbers
    • withoutExpiring=1: Hide items that will expire soon
    • qty=...: Requested quantity (number > 0)
    • withDecimals=1 or 0: With or without decimals (default: 1)
  • Restrictions: The qty= parameter is restricted to an upper limit of 3000 if used in conjunction with a single-valued item= parameter, or to a limit of 10 (300 for “Tapetenfabrik Gebr. Rasch”) for bulk requests. If you need to know if a higher stock is available please contact our sales department.

This services provides access to our article stock information.

Per default you can request the data of known article, by providing a comma-separated list of articles numbers in the item=... query parameter.

A special authorization to get a list of all available items by omiting the item parameter is possible. Please contact our sales department.


$ curl -s -o- -u :KEY 'https://rds.rasch.de/v2/articles/stock?item=204834,204810,208634&qty=710'
[ {
  "id" : "204810",
  "eancode" : "4000441204810",
  "stock" : 586,
  "date" : null,
  "discontinued" : 0
}, {
  "id" : "204834",
  "eancode" : "4000441204834",
  "stock" : 710,
  "date" : null,
  "discontinued" : 0
}, {
  "id" : "208634",
  "eancode" : "4000441208634",
  "stock" : 710,
  "date" : "2015-03-20",
  "discontinued" : 0
} ]

$ curl -s -o- -u :KEY 'https://rds.rasch.de/v2/articles/stock.csv?fields=id,stock,date,discontinued&item=204834,204810,208634&qty=710'
